Dino Run: Remastered - Colorful Chrome Dinosaur Endless Runner Game

Welcome to the first devlog for Dino Run: Remastered! Inspired by the classic Chrome Dino game, this project has been an exciting journey of adding a splash of color and new life to a endless runner.

Gameplay Mechanics:

The core mechanics of the game remain true to the original:

  • Jumping: Press SpaceBar or Click to make the dino jump.
  • Ducking: Press Down Arrow to make the dino duck.
  • Endless Running: Dodge obstacles to achieve the highest score possible.

Vibrant Graphics

The new visuals are designed to make the game more engaging and fun. Each landscape is filled with vibrant colors, making every run a visual treat.

Learning Experience

Creating Dino Run: Remastered in Godot 4 has been an incredible experience. Throughout this journey, I also significantly improved my coding practices, moving from writing spaghetti code to implementing clean and maintainable code using finite state machines (FSM). This learning experience was invaluable in enhancing my skills.

Special Thanks

This project wouldn't have been possible without the incredible assets provided by talented creators:

A huge thank you to these authors for their amazing work!

Play the Game

I'm thrilled to share Dino Run: Remastered with you. Click the link below to play the game and see how far you can run!

Game Link: https://floating-echoes.itch.io/dino-run-remastered

Source Code

I am sharing the complete source code for this game on my GitHub for Educational Purpose: For Source Code Click Here -> Dino Run Remastered

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